
Today is the 45th anniversary of my mom’s passing.

In some ways, it seems like a lifetime ago. Ironically, it was exactly the amount of her lifetime… since she died at the age of 45. 

I woke up thinking about her… although, I think of her every day.

I thought about what she might be doing in heaven today. 

I think about her being with my dad.

I often imagine them on walks in the garden in front of the Louvre in Paris… because Paris was her favorite city.

I think about her sipping an ice-cold drink on a hot summer day. Her skin would be sun-kissed from swimming in the pool, and she would be casually twirling the ice in her cup. 

I think about her playing tennis in the park with her friends.

I think about her playing bridge with my grandparents on a Saturday night.

I wonder if that is what heaven is like for her.

I like to imagine that heaven is whatever YOUR happy place is.

A place where you enjoy your life without pain. Without angst. Without worry. 

A place where you are always surrounded by people you love. 

I imagine it is peaceful. Tranquil.

I imagine it is the “life” you dreamed of having.

Or the one you had, but without any physical or emotional pain attached.

Maybe it is not even a place at all.

Maybe it is just a feeling.

Like warm sunlight on your face.

Or a walk on the beach.

Or curling up with a good book while listening to a thunderstorm.

Or watching the snowfall.

Or hugging someone you love.

For me, the most magical days are when life is simple.

When my body is relaxed… and my mind is at ease.

When the sky is blue with big, puffy white clouds… and a gentle breeze.

When I am hanging out with family or friends… and laughing.

When I am playing tennis and feeling invincible.

Heaven is probably a state of mind more than a state of being. 

So, in memory of my mom today, and for anyone who has lost someone they love, I hope Heaven is a place where everything is wonderful… EVERY day. 
