I Need A Pep Talk

My brain is full. My muscles are tired.

I have gone over the speed limit... even for me.

I am back on a plane heading to LA again.

I have three new projects that I am taking out this week.

I am starting to have stress dreams again. I'm not sure they ever stopped. I feel very uncertain of this whole trip. Clearly, I am feeling like I am not in control of anything.

I am grateful (every day) to not be in my old job. I am grateful to have survived it, learned from it and benefited from the education and reaped the rewards. Why would I think producing is any easier or faster? It takes time.

ALL good things take time.

Monday's pep talk for the crazy.

I have also lost my funny these last couple of weeks.

I went looking for inspiration on social media, but there is so much horrible stuff right now due to the Presidential election. Even the political satire is not cheering me up.

What am I so freaked out about?

Who cares if I never produce another show?

Who cares if I never sell a show?

Apparently, I do.